Zerobreeze offers 30 days limited warranty.
These Zerobreeze After-Sales Policies (these “Policies”) only apply to Zerobreeze products you purchased from Zero Breeze Tech TX LLC for your own use and not for resale.
What is Covered
Under this Limited Warranty, Zerobreeze warrants that each product that you purchase will be free from internal malfunction under normal use in accordance with published product materials during the warranty period. The warranty period for a product starts on the day such product is delivered.
We DO NOT cover any damage that caused by human error.
How to Obtain Warranty Service
If a product does not function as warranted during the warranty period, you may obtain after-sales service by contacting Zerobreeze by email.
What Will Zerobreeze Do
Zerobreeze will attempt to diagnose and resolve your problem by telephone, e-mail or online chat. Zerobreeze may direct you to download and install particular software updates.
If your problem cannot be resolved over the telephone or through the application of software updates, you may be required to deliver the product to Zerobreeze for further examination. Zerobreeze will arrange for repair or replacement service at no cost if the problem falls under this Limited Warranty.
What This After-Sales Policy Does NOT Cover
This policy does not cover the following:
× Crashes or fire damage caused by non-manufacturing factors, including but not limited to, pilot errors.
× Damage caused by unauthorized modification, disassembly, or shell opening not in accordance with official instructions or manuals.
× Water damage or other damages caused by improper installation, incorrect use, or operation not in accordance with official instructions or manuals.
× Damage caused by a non-authorized service provider.
× Damage caused by unauthorized modification of circuits and mismatch or misuse of the battery and charger.
× Damage caused by flights which did not follow instruction manual recommendations.
× Damage caused by operation in bad weather (i.e. strong winds, rain, sand/dust storms, etc.)
× Damage caused by operating the product in an environment with electromagnetic interference (i.e. in mining areas or close to radio transmission towers, high-voltage wires, substations, etc.).
× Damage caused by operating the product in an environment suffering from interference from other wireless devices (i.e. transmitter, video-downlink, Wi-Fi signals, etc.).
× Damage caused by operating the product at a weight greater than the safe takeoff weight, as specified by instruction manuals.
× Damage caused by a forced flight when components have aged or been damaged.
× Damage caused by reliability or compatibility issues when using unauthorized third-party parts.
× Damage caused by operating the unit with a low-charged or defective battery.
× Uninterrupted or error-free operation of a product.
× Loss of, or damage to, your data by a product.
× Any software programs, whether provided with the product or installed subsequently.
× Failure of, or damage caused by, any third party products, including those that DJI may provide or integrate into the DJI product at your request.
× Damage resulting from any technical or other support, such as assistance with “how-to” questions or inaccurate product set-up and installation.
× Products or parts with an altered identification label or from which the identification label has been removed.